Ways to Save on Your Summer Bill


Ways to Save on Your Summer Bill

The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer. Summer is nearly here! With the AC blasting, fans running and water spraying to stay cool, bills can add up during the hot months. Here are some ways to save on your summer bills, and possibly save some energy as well!

  1. Seal all openings. Make sure that doors and windows are insulated and that no warm air can get in. This will help improve air conditioner efficiency and stop your home from losing energy!

  2. Close up during the day. Keeping the blinds and doors closed during a hot day will stop the sun from heating up your house too much! If it is a cool night, open up and let the breeze in!

  3. Adjust the thermostat to fit your schedule. If no one is home for a few hours of the day, turn the temperature up a few degrees. This can save some energy used to keep your house cool when everyone is home.

  4. Clean out your air conditioning vents. If your house is warmer than usual, instead of turning the AC down, consider cleaning the vents to make sure the filters aren’t clogged. This can make a massive difference in a room.

  5. Utilize your ceiling fan. Keeping fans running can help keep a room a few degrees cooler. If the day is cool enough, you might even get away with turning the AC off and stay cool solely with a fan!

  6. Try to bypass your appliances. Appliances use a lot of energy, but, for example, the oven will heat up the entire house and make the AC work harder to cool. Try to cook outside, when possible, and skip the dryer to hang your clothes. Even just doing this every once in a while will help.

  7. Close vents in rooms you don’t use. If you aren’t hanging out in the basement, why waste energy keeping it cool? Close those vents so the AC can focus on the room you ARE hanging out in.

  8. Unplug! Don’t just turn off your electronics. Unplug them when you aren’t using them. They still use energy and while it isn’t significant, over a period of time, it can add up.

These eight ways are a great start to save some money and energy this summer! Have any other tips and tricks to stay cool and save this summer? Share them with us on Facebook or Twitter!!

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