Savings Challenges for Kids!


Savings Challenges for Kids!

Another week of Youth Month as gone by! Looking for ways to keep the kids entertained (and have them save a little on the way)? Look no further! Here are some fun and kid-friendly savings challenges to help kids save this week, next week, next month, and even for the rest of the year!

  • Save a Dollar Challenge! This week, put $1 into a jar. Next week, put $2 in a jar. The following week, put $3 and so on. This teaches kids that even a small amount can go a long way! If you don’t want to use a dollar, start with a quarter, or even a penny!

  • Money Square Challenge! Cut out squares with various amounts on them and put them in a jar. Each time you pull a square out, add the amount on that square to your savings! Make sure the squares all add up to your goal and at the end of the challenge, you will have reached your goal!

  • Money Match Challenge! For a month, kids can save all the money the make, whether it be from chores or gifts or just spare change they find on the ground. At the end of the month, let them count up how much they save, then you can match their savings! Boom, your kids just doubled their savings and learned about the importance of investing!

  • Good Habits Challenge! This challenge is a lot like chores, but instead, they are rewarded by completing good habits!

  • The Bingo Challenge! Print out a blank Bingo card and fill it up with different amounts. Once you get Bingo, you get to celebrate with something small, like an ice cream sundae or staying up late to watch a movie!

These fun savings challenges are a great way to help kids learn how to save while also having fun! Looking for more savings challenges for the kids (or yourself!). Click here and see more! Any savings challenge can be adjusted to fit your goal, so they can all be a fun family activity to do!


Looking for more Youth Month activities? Click here to see how you can incorporate our activities with your challenges for a chance to win!

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